by Jean Burk
Many parents graduated from college with debt, a rough setback for young people just starting out in life. Educational funding problems continue to haunt many of these same parents when it comes paying for their children’s education, especially if they’re a single-income family. With all the cost of clothes, supplies, sports and special classes, there is usually very little finances left-over for college savings. So when it comes to paying for their own children’s college tuition, these families seem to have very few options.
The average student pays for college by the following breakdown:
1. 50% of tuition is secured by a student’s parents through loans.
2. 40% of tuition comes from grants based on need, and are on a first-come basis.
3. Less than 10% of college money comes from scholarships.
Students may work during the summer or part-time during the school year, but are usually only able to save a small fraction for their college tuition. However, there is a revolutionary way for students to work to accomplish earning money for college. By spending time preparing for the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT, students can get incredible scholarships and even free college. If students treat preparing for the SAT like a job, they will earn more money than they could with any other vocation.
1.) Students will need to get a good understanding of the steps to success on taking the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT by taking a prep class that emphasizes the logical ways to approach the questions.
This could take around 10-20 hours.
2.) Learning ACRONYMS can help students remember the steps to success for each section. (Notes are not allowed in the testing facility.
This can take around 5 hours.
3.) By practicing taking 25 actual College Board tests (over 3 hours each), students can use the test-taking strategies to find the hidden patterns on these standardized tests.
This will take about 75 hours.
4.) Students should spend 2 hours studying and correcting mistakes on each practice tests they’ve taken, so they can learn strengths, weaknesses, and how to improve.
This will take around 50 hours.
This totals around 150 hours. If a student were to receive a $75,000 scholarship, it is like earning $500 an hour for college.
If a student starts learning this information as a freshman, he or she could spend around 10-15 minutes a day or an hour per week practicing. Sophomores starting this could spend about 30-45 minutes a day or a few hours a week. Juniors who are getting ready for the October PSAT could daily spend around two hours practicing. Seniors should be working on this test several hours a week since this year will be their last chance to master the SAT.
Obviously, the longer a student waits to start working on the PSAT and SAT, the less time he or she has to improve and the more time they will need to practice, but the rewards of making these tests a priority can be life-changing. Not only is graduating debt-free one of the great benefits that students can realize with a high test score, but also starting life out with freedom can leave a legacy for their own children.
Jean Burk is a published author, speaker and teacher. Her “Master The SAT Class” has been featured on NBC, CBS and Fox. To sign-up for her free report, “Good-bye Student Loans, Hello Free College, go to Contact info: 81-SAT-2-PREP
Many parents graduated from college with debt, a rough setback for young people just starting out in life. Educational funding problems continue to haunt many of these same parents when it comes paying for their children’s education, especially if they’re a single-income family. With all the cost of clothes, supplies, sports and special classes, there is usually very little finances left-over for college savings. So when it comes to paying for their own children’s college tuition, these families seem to have very few options.
The average student pays for college by the following breakdown:
1. 50% of tuition is secured by a student’s parents through loans.
2. 40% of tuition comes from grants based on need, and are on a first-come basis.
3. Less than 10% of college money comes from scholarships.
Students may work during the summer or part-time during the school year, but are usually only able to save a small fraction for their college tuition. However, there is a revolutionary way for students to work to accomplish earning money for college. By spending time preparing for the PSAT/NMSQT and SAT, students can get incredible scholarships and even free college. If students treat preparing for the SAT like a job, they will earn more money than they could with any other vocation.
1.) Students will need to get a good understanding of the steps to success on taking the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT by taking a prep class that emphasizes the logical ways to approach the questions.
This could take around 10-20 hours.
2.) Learning ACRONYMS can help students remember the steps to success for each section. (Notes are not allowed in the testing facility.
This can take around 5 hours.
3.) By practicing taking 25 actual College Board tests (over 3 hours each), students can use the test-taking strategies to find the hidden patterns on these standardized tests.
This will take about 75 hours.
4.) Students should spend 2 hours studying and correcting mistakes on each practice tests they’ve taken, so they can learn strengths, weaknesses, and how to improve.
This will take around 50 hours.
This totals around 150 hours. If a student were to receive a $75,000 scholarship, it is like earning $500 an hour for college.
If a student starts learning this information as a freshman, he or she could spend around 10-15 minutes a day or an hour per week practicing. Sophomores starting this could spend about 30-45 minutes a day or a few hours a week. Juniors who are getting ready for the October PSAT could daily spend around two hours practicing. Seniors should be working on this test several hours a week since this year will be their last chance to master the SAT.
Obviously, the longer a student waits to start working on the PSAT and SAT, the less time he or she has to improve and the more time they will need to practice, but the rewards of making these tests a priority can be life-changing. Not only is graduating debt-free one of the great benefits that students can realize with a high test score, but also starting life out with freedom can leave a legacy for their own children.
Jean Burk is a published author, speaker and teacher. Her “Master The SAT Class” has been featured on NBC, CBS and Fox. To sign-up for her free report, “Good-bye Student Loans, Hello Free College, go to Contact info: 81-SAT-2-PREP