The Home Educators Resource Directory offers free listings for local homeschool support groups worldwide. These listings are specifically available to groups that offer homeschool support, activities, co-op learning, and friendships for families to share homeschooling adventures. Groups may charge an annual fee (or homeschool organization dues) and only charge to cover expenses. If you meet this criterion, we are happy to make your group's information available for free to our visitors after you fill out the form below.

If you do not qualify as a support group under our criteria and would like home educators to know more about your services or product for sale, please fill out the form here. We will contact you with more information about placement in the Home Educators Resource Directory.

Thank you for visiting and helping to make HERD a more useful member of our homeschool community.

Listing Information
Please use the formats (123) 456-7890, 123-456-7890, 040 1234 5678, or +44 20 1234 5678.

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Contact Info
Please use the formats (123) 456-7890, 123-456-7890, 040 1234 5678, or +44 20 1234 5678.
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