TRAIN Academics
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TRAIN is a group of families in southern Oklahoma that educate their children from home. TRAIN has members from Duncan, Marlow, Rush Springs, and surrounding areas.
TRAIN is a parent-driven group. What we "do" depends largely on the interests and contributions of families. Field trips, holiday events, geography fair, tie dye at the park, and Mom's Night Out are some of the activities TRAIN members put together. There is an annual $50/family fee to participate in TRAIN.
TRAIN Co-op Day (cooperative learning environment) meets monthly on the 2nd Friday September-May at First Baptist Duncan in Duncan, OK. Classes are taught by parents. There are 4 classes, each an hour in length, in addition to a lunch break. Classes in the past have included: cooking, party planning, Bible Truths, sign language, environmental science, etc. There are also class fees (usually small) to cover special supplies used in the class.
Business Info
- Duncan, Oklahoma