Writing Tip of the Month
by Bruce Cabell

Writing Tip #7- Informational Poetry

Writing poetry can be easy or complicated. You decide which road to follow. If you want your children to compose Informational Poetry in 5 easy steps, please read and follow each step below.

First, as a parent, model the styles of poetry you're required or interested in throughout the school year. Additionally, ask your children which poems pique their interest. However, young writers should experience and enjoy Free Verse as part of the curriculum. Writing without RULES and RESTRICTIONS enhances creativity and success in writing poetry.

To conclude, the sooner children practice writing poetry, the easier it will become.

5 Easy Steps To Writing Informational Poetry

Step 1

What will your poem be about? Who is your audience? If you are not sure, choose a topic that will motivate and interest you as well as others. Write down what you already know about your chosen topic.

Step 2

Gather books, magazines, and surf the web for information and facts. Try to gather as much as possible. Having more information is better than not having enough. Record and organize your facts that are accurate and easy to understand. 

Step 3

Choose a style of poetry where your information and facts will fit in best. If you find writing poetry a struggle, choose a style that's easy. If rhyming poems are difficult, then write one without rhyme. If one style doesn't work, try another. Create your own style of poetry. Be creative and use your imagination too. Below, is a short list of poems.

Free Verse Poem
ABC Poem
Picture Poem
5 Senses Poem
Couplet Poem
Bio Poem
Color Poem

Step 4

Begin to write your poem. Choose information and facts that are similar if this helps you. Don't feel you need to use ALL your information and remember; your poem doesn't have to rhyme. As you write, reread many times. Have a peer read it to you. How does it sound? Make sure it flows and makes sense.


Topic- Blue Whale
Audience- People interested in marine animals
Facts- A blue whale grows to about 100 feet long, a blue whale is a baleen whale, it eats krill, a blue whale is a mammal, a blue whale is the largest animal known to live on Earth, it can weigh up to 100 tons or more, its heart can weigh as much as an automobile, a blue whale has a long life span, and it lives between 80-90 years.

Style of Poetry- ABC Poem

A blue whale has a long life span
B etween 80-90 years
C an grow up to 100 feet long
D oes weigh up to 100 tons or more
E arth's largest mammal
F emale blue whale is larger than the male

Note: Use at least six or more letters in your ABC poem. In addition, an ABC Poem can begin with any letter in the alphabet, but continue in order. For example: K, L, M, N, O, P or E, F, G, H, I, J.

Please view the two informational poetry organizers in pdf format.

Poetry Organizer 1
Poetry Organizer 2

Step 5

Share your poem with your audience. Does your audience have any suggestions? Make any corrections that would capture their attention. If you and your audience are satisfied… PUBLISH!
Bruce Cabell is a teacher, author, and creator. He was a classroom teacher for over 27 years.  He taught kindergarten, first, and third grade in Connecticut.  Bruce has mentored numerous young teachers as well as modeled many writing strategies and skills for classroom teachers.  His passion for writing has resulted in his first published creation, Writing Organizer Fold-Outs for grades 2-5.  Visit Creative Teaching Press at www.creativeteaching.com to view these wonderful all-in-one resource writing tools.

In addition, to learn more about Bruce, visit him on LinkedIn
