Which Money Values Does Your Child Have?
by Amanda van der Gulik

What kind of money value does your child or teen have?

Are they like most these days and just assume that money is owed to them and that they can just go out and buy the coolest, newest gadgets on a whim?

Don’t be embarrassed if that is true for your child, the fact that you’re even reading this article shows that you’re a parent who actually cares about your child and their mental and financial wellbeing!

And even if your child is not like that, read on, I think you’re going to find this very interesting indeed!

So the other day I was searching through YouTube when I came across this incredible video (and by ‘incredible’ I mean that I could not believe my eyes, these kids actually feel this way! YIKES!)

I clicked on the video to watch it and I couldn’t stop watching, my mouth was literally hanging open in pure awe! Did these kids REALLY feel like that?

Honestly, you have to see the video to believe it! You can watch it on my blog here:

There are a couple of things that these kids address:

1.    That they honestly feel the need to wear the right clothes to fit in.

2.    That they feel very unhappy, even threatened, when another kid is wearing the same clothes as them.

3.    That having a lot of money is the most important thing for them and their ‘status’!

4.    That those who have no money or little money are simply not worthy.

5.    That going to a spa weekly is a ‘normal’ thing!

6.    Etc..... (Oh trust me the list goes on and on and gets more and more unbelievable as it goes!)

Honestly, I was flabbergasted and embarrassed really
to even be a part of a society that allowed these values to even appear as a norm!

We need to fix this, sure it may seem funny to watch, but it’s actually a very real and very scary reality that is going to have some very nasty adverse side effects!

Here are some things that these kids are missing:

1.    That everyone is of value.

2.    That having lots of money is not about ‘status’ but about being a master of your own wealth and financial independence.

3.    That when others dress like you it’s a compliment, not a threat!

4.    That helping others is a normal and good thing, no one ever need be looked upon as ‘beneath’ them!

5.    That it is NOT normal to go to the spa on a weekly basis, that it’s a special treat (sure they can go weekly, but not see it as ‘normal’ but as a special treat that they deserve because they have worked hard to pay for it!)

6.    Etc..... (This list goes on and on too!)

We seriously need to make sure our kids are not living the same values that these kids in the video above are living.

How can you find out where your child’s money values lie?

Easy, go to my blog, watch the video with them and then ask them these questions:

1.    How does it make you feel to watch these kids?

2.    Do you feel the same way they do?

3.    Do you think it’s important to have a lot of money so you ‘fit in’ with the ‘popular’ group?

4.    Is money bad, or is how people use and think about money bad?

5.    How can money be used for good?

Please do take the time to go and take a look at this video, trust me, your child needs to see it. Their eyes need to be fully open so they can live a financially secure life and still have a great life value that NEVER devalues anyone else.

We want to always be proud of our kids, I’m proud of mine and I know you’re proud of yours. (Again, you wouldn’t be still reading this article if you weren’t a parent who seriously loves your child and wants to empower them the best way you can.)

I’m proud of you, and your child for having you as their role model.

Enjoy the video, make the most of it, start that conversation with your child!

Here's to you and your child's success with love,

Cheers…Amanda van der Gulik…Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)
Amanda uses story-telling to teach children and teens the fundamentals of money so your child will learn these in a fun and memorable way, without feeling like they're being TOLD what to do! Amanda has been a special guest on Radio Disney, featured in The Costco Connections Magazine both in Canada and the USA and on numerous parenting shows around the globe. Grab your FREE 7 Gifts for Teaching Children About Money at www.TeachingChildrenAboutMoney.com.
