The Top 3 Best Ways to Teach Your Child about Money
by Amanda van der Gulik

Do your kids think money comes out of walls?

Is your child or teen always asking you for money?

Is your child really good at spending money but has no clue how to manage their money or how to earn their own money and stop using you like their very own personal bank machine?

Take a quick look at where these crazy kids and teens think money comes from!

"Teaching Children About Money - Where Do Kids Think Money Comes From?

Or maybe your child is awesome with money but would just like to learn how to be even more awesome with their money so they won't have to work for the rest of their lives just to pay their bills but actually have the money and time freedom to do the things they love to do, like spend more quality time with their family and friends, or go on fun adventures of a lifetime?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then guess what? You're a normal parent with normal kids!


And the great news.... Your child is like a sponge just ready to soak up all the information you can send their way.

What does that mean?

It means, now is the time to fill their sponge with great money lessons and great life lessons that they can use to live successful lives, and you won't have to worry about them heading off into the great big world of adulthood only to end up crawling back home for mom or dad to rescue financially because they just didn't know how to handle their money wisely!

Yup, you got it...the biggest problems most parents are facing these days is that their kiddos go out into the world, and get financially slaughtered...then back they crawl to mom and dad for them to fix it.

Trust me, you do NOT need that kind of stress!

Wouldn't it be so much better if once your child leaves your protective nest they actually know how money works? Not only that they know how to make their money work 'for them'?

I know, awesome concept right?

And guess what else?

It's not nearly as hard to teach them as you might have thought!

You don't actually have to be a money master yourself to teach your child great money habits and skills.

That's where I come in!

Think of me as your child's personal money coach!

You see we can teach kids and teens about money the old fashioned, boring way...teach them how to balance a chequebook, teach them how to make a budget, learn how to pay their taxes...but that's honestly, the boring part....

...and what do you think?

Kids HATE learning boring stuff!

Am I right?

Come on, be honest, did you like learning the boring stuff?

I sure didn't!

And know what else?

I HATED being told what to do!

I bet you didn't like that very much either, and I am certain that your kids don't like being told what to do!

So what do we do then? How can we teach them to be successful with their money if we can't be boring and we can't just 'tell them what to do'?


We have FUN with money!

Yup, that's the key to learning and to long-term success!

Not only is it NOT boring, and not only are they NOT being told what to do, they are actually having fun doing it! .

...AND they will retain the information, habits, skills for life!

So what am I talking about?

I'm talking about let's play with your kids and your teens. Let's show them that money doesn't have to be stressful but that it can be a true source of joy in their lives when we are in control of it and make it work for us rather than always having to work for it!

Here are the Top Three Ways to Teaching Children About Money that are the MOST EFFECTIVE!

1. Play Money Games:

- Monopoly: is older than most of us, and it still teaching some of the most amazing money lessons of all - how to build passive income!

- Cashflow & Cashflow for Kids: one of the most 'involving' money games I have ever come across, and kids LOVE it! They each get their own individual money challenge and only win once they learn, through play, through trial and error, how to get out of the rat race and on the fast track!

- Win the Money Game
: It's like playing both Monopoly and Cashflow but your kids get to BE the game pieces! It's awesome and teaches a ton of valuable life lessons to boot! :D

2. Watch Money Cartoons and Read Fun Money Stories:

- The Six Magical Piggy Banks: this fun cartoon teaches your kids how to manage their money so it will work hard for them! (Kids LOVE this cartoon and really GET the lessons the very first time they watch it!)

- Xanthe & Quinn's Money Adventures: let your kids learn about money by following along and routing for their favourite characters as they learn the many money and life lessons needed to make smart money choices in their lives.

- Rich Dad Poor Dad:
really shows your child or teen how to "think wealthy"!

3. Be Your Child's BEST Role Model!

- Simply by looking at money through a positive lens, you will be able to make the biggest influence on your child's future financial success. Don't allow yourself to believe that making money is hard, or that keeping it is difficult. Trust me this makes all the difference. How we think and feel about money becomes our money reality. Even in the most difficult of times we NEED to stay positive and push on and believe that we will make it! Your child will feel that and then ultimately believe it and then...guess what?

They will achieve it! :D

I hope you found this helpful and I wish you and your child ultimate success.

Feel free to pop by my website to grab your free copy of "The 6 Magical Piggy Banks" cartoon so you can get started with learning about money, teaching good money skills...and having FUN with your child!

I look forward to hearing about your success!

Cheers…Amanda van der Gulik…Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)

Best-selling author, Amanda van der Gulik homeschooled her own two children for over 12 years. As founder of, Amanda is constantly being interviewed for parenting shows, like Radio Disney, on TV, radio, in newspapers, magazines and blogs all over the world. Visit Amanda’s site today to grab your FREE copy of her eBook, “Goal-Setting for Families", her "Mindmovies for Kids and Teens” or her “The 6 Magical Piggy Banks” cartoon to help give your child some great ideas of how they can earn their own money!