All of the programs in the attached program guide are approved homeschool friendly. There are all types of camps ranging from overnight to day camps. Many camps are themed or specifically for children with medical challenges. So if your child is interested in dance, art, sports, music, or science there’s a summer camp for that.
First time campers? Here is a quick list to ease the anxiety.
1) Discuss with your child what type of camp they might like. Make them a part of the research. They will be more excited if they have participated in choosing a camp.
Do they have friends that are going to camp? Are they interested in the camp their friends are going to? Remind them that they can always make new friends at a different camp if this one is not in alignment with their interests.
2) Talk to other parents that have had children go to camp. They may give you valuable insight about camp and what to expect. I’m sure they will have great stories to share about how they felt the day they dropped off their child at camp.
3) Talk about camp with your child. If you went to a camp share your experience and stories. Kids always love to hear about what Mom or Dad did when they were kids.
4) Talk with your child about any concerns or fears they have. Just talking it over can make their concerns less traumatic. Talk with them about what they should do if they do feel uncomfortable, sad, or homesick.
5) Make sure the camp will address any food allergies and also medications. Is there a nurse on staff? How does the camp deal with emergencies?
6) Think about how much fun and new experiences your child will have. This can be a very stressful time for parents especially when sending your child to an overnight camp for the very first time. Try to look forward to the great stories and adventures your kids will share with you. Have an adventure yourself while your child is away. This can be simply relaxing or doing something special that you have not found the time to do.
7) Look over the HERD Summer Camps and Program Guide to find out more details about the programs available to you.
Download the HERD Summer Camps and Programs Guide.