Multiple Intelligences: Interpersonal

What is an Interpersonal Learner?

These learners are naturally good with other people; they understand people and their inherent differences. Interpersonal learners have an uncanny ability to relate to others. It is very easy for them to see things from another point of view, how others think, and feel. Interpersonal learners are able to sense feelings, intentions, motivations of others. They can be very empathetic, but will resort to manipulation at times. 

They try to keep the peace, encourage cooperation, and are generally organized leaders. They are able to use both verbal and non-verbal communication with others.

How do I teach my Interpersonal Learner?

Interpersonal Learners learn best in a group setting. These children thrive on person-to-person contact. Co-ops and support groups are essential for interpersonal learners. Having your student interview people, cooperate with others, and offer situations where they need to mediate conflict and they will thrive. 

While studying English/Literature, you could have your student read a book about a specific time period, or historical event (this can count for history too) and then interview either someone who lived during that time period or an expert on the subject. This will give them further knowledge about the subject they are studying. 

Science can be done as a co-op with experimenting in small groups. There is no limit on the learning possibilities with science. You could teach unit studies on space, plants (get those gardens growing!), matter, weather, and everything in-between. What does physics have to do with paper airplanes? The possibilities are endless, and it is always more fun to experiment with friends!

Math is another great co-op class, especially if it is not your area of expertise. With parents teaching different subjects there is less stress on you to teach what you may not understand yourself. Another great thing with co-ops is built in tutoring! Kids are great at helping other kids learn. 

What will my Interpersonal Learner be?

Interpersonal learners are naturals at counseling others, salespeople, business people, and politicians. Of course this is only if that is where their interests lay. Anyone can do what his or her heart desires-if there is a will, there is a way!

Further Reading: 
Self-Science: The Emotional Intelligence Curriculum
The MI Strategy Bank 
Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice 
In Their Own Way: Discovering and Encouraging Your Child's Multiple Intelligences 
Seven Times Smarter: 50 Activities, Games, and Projects to Develop the Seven Intelligences of Your Child 


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