Kids in the Kitchen
by Yvette Garfield

Someone’s in the kitchen with… kids!

It seems that everywhere you look these days there are children’s cooking classes being offered. Even though these activities are readily available, I often reminisce on my fondest cooking memories in my own childhood kitchen with my parents.  I can easily conjure up images from my childhood of cooking in the kitchen with my mother.  

Growing up, the kitchen was generally an off-limit zone and noted for potential danger. Mom and Dad were the gatekeepers who could grant permission to the heated contraptions and sweet treats from hidden cupboard shelves, which, not coincidentally, were out of my reach. My fondest childhood cooking lesson is when my mother taught me to make her famous cupcakes baked in an ice cream cone. These cupcakes are delicious, of course, but looking back I am amazed by my mom’s creative flair. She was always inventing unusual and often hilarious recipes, like her “One-Eyed French Toast,” where one egg was dropped in the middle of each slice of the toast. Her favorite dessert to make was “Mud Pie for her Mag Pie (me),” made with loads of coffee ice cream and topped with even more fudge. I always ended up with frosting or some other food spread covering my face and my Care Bears t-shirt! Making (and eating) dishes with my mom taught me that cooking can be fun and creative, and those moments are some of the fondest from my childhood.

While the cupcakes in a cone generally lasted only minutes after their completion, the memories of cooking with friends and family stay with us for a lifetime. So while kids are overscheduled in activities and lessons, I hope that they will have the same opportunity that I had to learn their first recipes from their family in their own kitchen.

Cupcakes in a Cone Recipe- courtesy of Arlene Garfield
1.    Preheat the oven to 325 F.
2.    Prepare 1 package of store bought cake mix in a large bowl. (Mom prefers yellow cake).
3.    Take 20 standard ice cream cones and fill them with batter only up to the stem of the cone as it will rise quite a bit.
4.    Place the cones on a baking sheet and carefully place in the oven for approximately 20 minutes.
5.    Check the batter with a toothpick to make sure that it is fully cooked through.
6.    Let the cones cool for 15 minutes and then frost to look like ice cream. (Mom prefers chocolate frosting with rainbow sprinkles and a few chocolate chips).
7.    Enjoy!

Written by: Yvette Garfield, author and creator of the Handstand Kids Cookbook Series ( Contact her at

Yvette had the idea of creating the Handstand Kids on a very long flight back from India. She wanted to bring back cookbooks for her little cousins, but was discouraged when unable to find any for children. Upon her return to the US, she began brainstorming on how to introduce children to international foods in a fun and hands-on way. The Handstand Kids books are the perfect recipe for kids to learn how to cook, while learning about the people, places, and language of a new country. It is Yvette’s hope that children will be inspired to use their new cooking skills to give back to their own communities.

Yvette is a recent law school graduate who has a strong interest in international children's rights. She has worked with various non-profit organizations and the Department of Justice, Children's Rights Section.
Yvette's favorite food is chocolate and strongly believes it can make any food better!
Contact Yvette at: