Indigo (Intellectual) Children

by Shelley Tzorfas

Question: What is an ‘Indigo Child’, and how could this pertain to me?

Answer: The term “Indigo Child” is a relatively new and cutting edge phrase that tends to represent brilliant, almost genius-like, kids.

Previous to the 1980’s, schools, psychologists, doctors, and other experts were confident that they could teach any child, no matter how bright they were. At the same time, many gifted and talented programs were disappearing. During the 1980’s, experts began to realize that certain kids were coming in that learned at a rate much faster than other kids they had encountered. The experts then got together and discovered certain characteristics and traits that these special kids had in common. Patterns emerged.

Some educators remarked that these young people were so insightful, that at times they felt that they were teaching young adults, rather than children. These kids had a sort of “old soul”. They seemed very immature at one moment, and wise beyond their years the next.

While some similar traits are positive, others are more complicated. Many indigo kids are also diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. They are ostracized by their peers or labeled “geeks and nerds”. They rarely join groups or sport teams. When young, they are often uncoordinated. As young children they have few, if any, friends, but they do great with those both older and younger than themselves, including adults. It is with their peer group that at times they have difficulty fitting in.

They are sometimes known to have unique “Spatial Battery” intelligence. This is an innate intelligence that is not taught in schools. Think of a computer that can rotate an object on the screen in a multitude of directions, three dimensionally. These kids could do the exact same thing in their minds.

Authors such as Lee Carroll and Jan Tober have written on the subject, in their book, The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived (1999). They claim that the older the kids get, the better their lives will be. For the very reason that they were made fun of when young, they will be sought out as they mature. They will likely go into positions of leadership to help solve world problems. They will be the CEOs, presidents, and innovators of tomorrow. They are here for a reason. They are the truth tellers and seek justice by nature. As a mother of an indigo, I was surprised and joyous when my son received awards from Johns Hopkins University for several gifted-and-talented exams. I was surprised that they began seeking him out as early as fifth grade. I had anticipated that this would happen at college age.

When left to their own devices, they have their day planned out, which includes computer time, solving challenging math equations, puzzles, and other things of that nature. The indigo child loves to take apart and put back together anything that they can get their hands on. Asking them to do something, go somewhere, etc. can interfere with their daily plan.

Regular school structure can interfere as well. Some of these kids thrive with individualistic programs such as multiage or home schooling in which the child gets to direct their own education while the adult supervises. Give these children the freedom to make choices. People or adults who try to control them often do not help them grow and only hinder their experiences. Try to discipline them without punishment. Even their diet preferences are unusual. In the book, The Indigo Children, it is mentioned that they can metabolize food differently (even fast foods). Try to honor, respect, and listen to these kids. Their brains are truly wired differently. When the time comes for them to lead others, you’ll know.

Lisa Bellini, who has a website and hosts a radio talk show on Indigo energy, takes a more metaphysical approach. She believes that in order for a child to be indigo, they must have at least one parent who is indigo (intuitive, creative, truth-telling, etc.). That means that some post-war generation kids were indigo.

In the prelude to The Indigo Children, it was said by Nancy Gibbs in Time Magazine, who was quoting Natasha Kern, “…While you are trying to put out the fire they set toasting marshmallows on the stove, they are in the bathtub trying to see if goldfish will survive in hot water.”

My son, for example, strung metal paper clips into a wall socket to see if he could get the electricity to light a lamp. Thankfully I was there when the sparks flew. In another experiment, he took a hose to the kitchen to see if he could turn it into a swimming pool. When in school, they made hats with bulbs and batteries that could light up. He took it home and tried to double the power, by adding more batteries, and smoke billowed. Little did the school know that their simple experiment in the hands of an indigo could evolve into something to be reckoned with.

©Copyright Shelley Tzorfas 2009
Articles can not be duplicated without prior authorization.

SHELLEY TZORFAS is the Founder of Specialized Tutoring/Learning Assessments, and has been tutoring students with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia as well as undiagnosed kids for nearly twenty-five years.
Shelley views Dyslexia as a "processing of information problem, either in the visual, auditory or kinesthetic mode," and strives to educate the general public about learning disabilities.Like other dyslexics, Shelley has had varied, successful careers. These range from appearing on a PBS documentary, and exhibiting artwork in museums. She is currently writing a book on learning differences.
Shelley, nee Gelfman, is a single mother of two boys and lives in New Jersey. She is available for consultation and/or tutoring, and may be reached at her website at .Her email is , phone number is (908) 735-9053.