by Jean Burk
“We’re not just looking for smart kids. There are plenty of those around, but we’re looking for well-rounded students,” the Harvard recruiter responded when answering a question by a parent about the school’s SAT requirements. When this prestigious university looks for new students, a good test score is just the beginning of the selection criteria. What exactly does this mean for students who want scholarships from good schools—maybe even Harvard?
Many colleges give the big scholarships to the students who will best represent their school well while attending college and continuing into post-graduation life. Usually, each college department has several big scholarships to give to well-deserving students. How do they select these world-changers? By seeking students that have a proven background of abilities and ambitions long before they ever entered a college classroom, college administrators choose students that start their own portfolio of accomplishments in their early days of high school or before. The “well-rounded” idea encompasses a five-fold program that speaks volumes about a student.
Academics are important to colleges, but they understand there is more to a student’s life than studying. Maintaining a strong high school G.P.A. while being involved in other areas shows potential for college success. The student’s SAT score generally solidifies his or her academic achievements. An SAT math and critical reading score of 1200 shows excellent preparation; a score around 1300 shows remarkable preparation; and a score of 1400 and above is evidence of an extraordinary student.
The second part of the portfolio is the student’s extracurricular activities. These show the college what a student has been involved in along with his or her academics. Participation in sports, music, dance, or a part-time job would all be considered extracurricular activities. Students have so many opportunities to get involved and should start as early as possible.
Volunteer work is equal to extracurricular activities in importance. This displays how the student is a valuable asset in his or her own community. Some volunteer work ideas are Meals-on-Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, tutoring others, food banks, teen court, nursing homes, and library assistance. Look around; there are always openings for volunteers to help out in the community. Start volunteering early in order to log as many hours as possible. To really stand out amid other college candidates, consider starting your own organization—one that fills an important need for others.
Club involvement is another important part of being a well-rounded student. Some club ideas are Drama Club, Boy Scouts, 4-H, Debate Teams, Student Government, and the YMCA. Also in this fourth part of the five-fold program, it is noteworthy to become leaders in these clubs. Most clubs have offices to be held. This is not only a good experience but also will show evidence of your leadership abilities.
Last of all, you will want to keep a record of all awards you have received. This is the fruit of your labor and it is where you are rewarded openly for all your hard work. To name a few awards, there are sports recognitions, Piano Guild, Honor Society Awards, Who’s Who Among High School Students, writing contests, art contests, and community service awards.
Every student should start at least in the ninth grade working on this five-fold program. Good records should be kept, pictures taken and letters of recommendation solicited. Get the whole family involved; this can be very challenging as well as life changing. By focusing on the needs of others and the world around them, the student’s life can be not only be enriched personally now but also financially later during the college years.
Jean Burk is a published author, speaker and teacher. Her “Master The SAT Class” has been featured on NBC, CBS and Fox. To sign-up for her free report, “Good-bye Student Loans, Hello Free College, go to
Contact info: 81-SAT-2-PREP
“We’re not just looking for smart kids. There are plenty of those around, but we’re looking for well-rounded students,” the Harvard recruiter responded when answering a question by a parent about the school’s SAT requirements. When this prestigious university looks for new students, a good test score is just the beginning of the selection criteria. What exactly does this mean for students who want scholarships from good schools—maybe even Harvard?
Many colleges give the big scholarships to the students who will best represent their school well while attending college and continuing into post-graduation life. Usually, each college department has several big scholarships to give to well-deserving students. How do they select these world-changers? By seeking students that have a proven background of abilities and ambitions long before they ever entered a college classroom, college administrators choose students that start their own portfolio of accomplishments in their early days of high school or before. The “well-rounded” idea encompasses a five-fold program that speaks volumes about a student.
Academics are important to colleges, but they understand there is more to a student’s life than studying. Maintaining a strong high school G.P.A. while being involved in other areas shows potential for college success. The student’s SAT score generally solidifies his or her academic achievements. An SAT math and critical reading score of 1200 shows excellent preparation; a score around 1300 shows remarkable preparation; and a score of 1400 and above is evidence of an extraordinary student.
The second part of the portfolio is the student’s extracurricular activities. These show the college what a student has been involved in along with his or her academics. Participation in sports, music, dance, or a part-time job would all be considered extracurricular activities. Students have so many opportunities to get involved and should start as early as possible.
Volunteer work is equal to extracurricular activities in importance. This displays how the student is a valuable asset in his or her own community. Some volunteer work ideas are Meals-on-Wheels, Habitat for Humanity, tutoring others, food banks, teen court, nursing homes, and library assistance. Look around; there are always openings for volunteers to help out in the community. Start volunteering early in order to log as many hours as possible. To really stand out amid other college candidates, consider starting your own organization—one that fills an important need for others.
Club involvement is another important part of being a well-rounded student. Some club ideas are Drama Club, Boy Scouts, 4-H, Debate Teams, Student Government, and the YMCA. Also in this fourth part of the five-fold program, it is noteworthy to become leaders in these clubs. Most clubs have offices to be held. This is not only a good experience but also will show evidence of your leadership abilities.
Last of all, you will want to keep a record of all awards you have received. This is the fruit of your labor and it is where you are rewarded openly for all your hard work. To name a few awards, there are sports recognitions, Piano Guild, Honor Society Awards, Who’s Who Among High School Students, writing contests, art contests, and community service awards.
Every student should start at least in the ninth grade working on this five-fold program. Good records should be kept, pictures taken and letters of recommendation solicited. Get the whole family involved; this can be very challenging as well as life changing. By focusing on the needs of others and the world around them, the student’s life can be not only be enriched personally now but also financially later during the college years.
Jean Burk is a published author, speaker and teacher. Her “Master The SAT Class” has been featured on NBC, CBS and Fox. To sign-up for her free report, “Good-bye Student Loans, Hello Free College, go to
Contact info: 81-SAT-2-PREP