Vision Classical Christian Cooperative
Vision Classical Christian Cooperative is a pre-K through 12th grade Classical Christian Education Cooperative program that allows parents to graduate their student in honors studies through a God-centric home and cooperative model of education. The weekly classroom time (1 day/week, currently Mondays) gives students the opportunity to sharpen one another through dialogue and discourse the same way scripture tells us.
WACHE School
WACHE School is the extension of the WACHE organization that meets weekly for co-op classes. WACHE School is a cooperative group designed to provide a school setting in which students come together one day a week to take classes that will enhance their education. We offer both academic and elective classes for all grades with a stronger emphasis on academic offerings for highschool grades
Homeschoolers EXCEL Co-op
EXCEL is run entirely by volunteers, and we are grateful to the parents and kids who cheerfully pitch in and support our community in a myriad of ways- teaching classes, cleaning up, watching the playground, planning pizza parties, running web sites, balancing the checkbook, and more. For over a decade EXCEL families have worked together to create a warm and caring community that supports and encourages both kids and adults as we grow and learn together. We hope you can join us for our next semester of co-op classes.
Grace Homeschool Co-op (Denison, TX)
Grace Homeschool Co-op is a christian co-op for homeschooling families in the Sherman/Denison/Durant and surrounding areas.
Grace Homeschool Co-op meets for a fall semester and a spring semester each year. Generally, the fall semester starts in September and ends in November, and the spring semester starts in February and ends in April. Classes meet for 10 Fridays each semester with a fall/spring break scheduled half way through the semester.
Grace Homeschool Co-op offers classes for homeschoolers ages 5 and older. Classes for preschoolers and nursery for infants/toddlers are provided for those families enrolled in the co-op with students ages 5 and older.
Del Rio Homeschool Group
Del Rio Homeschool Group is a cooperative of parents who desire to teach their children at home in order to achieve academic excellence and family unity, emphasize Christian values, and bring glory to God in all that we do .
Queen of Saints Catholic Home School Co-op
Queen of Saints Catholic Home School Co-op is a group of Catholic families who meet once per week on Wednesday for academic and enrichment classes for their homeschooled children at St. Hyacinth Catholic Church in Deer Park, Texas.