Theatre does not live only in the classroom. As the great William Shakespeare wrote in his play, As You Like It, “All the world’s a stage”. So we want to give you some resources to help you transform your world into your very own theatrical stage!
Lincoln Center at Home
Hold tight to your connection with the arts with The Lincoln Center. They are offering daily classes for kids, teens, and families as well as videos of performances to enjoy with the whole family. Learn more about Lincoln Center at Home here.
This amazing resource curates a number of different activities for kids and families. In a neat and easy to use calendar, you can see what events are available each day to keep theater alive in your home. They offer a range of dance, music, and theater classes.
See more about CalendarKiddo here.
New Victory Arts Break
What a wonderful thing to take a break each day and play around in the world of art. Join New Victory Theatre Company in a little break from your work or school day and learn a new skill! They offer ideas for parents to incorporate performing arts into online learning. Each week they focus on different art forms including acrobatics, tap dancing, set and costume design, and more guided by New Victory Teaching Artists.
Get involved with New Victory Arts Break today!
Hop on over to Instagram to hear some of your favorite celebrities read beautiful stories. The account @SaveWithStories was created to enhance children’s learning and provide stories to kids during the pandemic. Cuddle with your little one and enjoy stories like “3 Little Monkies” read by Benedict Cumberbatch and more.
Reading aloud to children has been shown to improve reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking and concentration, and general academic aptitude, as well as inspire a lifelong love of reading. With this in mind, Storyline was created! Storyline Online is available 24 hours a day for children, parents, caregivers, and educators worldwide. Join celebrities like Chris Pine for wonderful stories and amazing illustrations then print the activity guide to supplement learning. Learn more about Storyline here.
If you search the hashtag #OperationStoryTime on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube you will find a wonderful world of stories! Readers open up a world of magic through books right in your very own living room.
La MaMa Kids Online
La MaMa Theatre Company is live streaming and offering video on-demand versions of short plays that are perfect for kids. They open up an amazing world of imagination through puppetry! Watch La MaMa Kids Online today.
Shakespeare’s Globe
If you love Shakespeare, then you do not need to travel to London to see the breathtaking performances at the Globe Theatre. They offer performances to download, stream, rent, or buy through their website all at a very reasonable price point. They are also creating a series of video projects that you can peruse through. Check it out here today.
Watch Musicals From Home
Broadway World has put together an incredible list of all of the musicals (157 to be exact) that you can stream from home. From Disney’s Descendents to classics like The King and I, there is a musical for everyone! Gather the family, grab your snacks, and settle in for a family theatre night. Find your favorites here.
We are taking on the challenge of being apart physically but through theatre, we are never truly alone! Theatre lives inside each of us and will keep uniting us even through the darkest times. No matter what, keep creating, keep strong, and shine your light bright!
Ms Amanda is an instructor with FL Drama Kids of Hillsborough County. You can join them today for their fall session. They provide children with several fundamental abilities, including self-esteem, confidence, creative thinking, acting skills, public speaking skills, as well as leadership and teamwork skills. Whether your child has an active interest in acting and the theater, or they simply want to make new friends and explore the development of important attributes, Drama Kids is the perfect choice. Join today at Dramakids.com/FL6