Keeping Teaching Fresh for the Homeschool Parent
by Ms.Tirtza Koren Gal

As homeschooling parents, we focus most of our attention on keeping our homeschool curricula interesting and engaging for our homeschool students. Many of us, however, forget that we are also a critical element, and that our enjoyment and engagement in the process directly affects the learning experience of our young charges.

That being said, how can we stay engaged in and excited about the process? Even the saintliest among us or the most natural teachers among us can get stuck in a rut once in a while. Here are some tips to keep the homeschooling process interesting for you.

Teach what you know - Teaching what you know -  a particular skill that you excel at - is a great way to reinvigorate your homeschool curriculum on occasion. Plus, teaching what you know can be more engaging for you and, as a result, for your student. And don't tell me you don't know anything! It doesn't matter if you were a cardiothoracic surgeon before homeschooling or a stay-at-home mom, you have a unique skill that you can pass on to your homeschool student.

Take it outside -   Whether English, science, or physical education is the focus, enjoying some of your classes outside can make a big difference in your engagement and enjoyment levels. Read a poem under a tree, explore the woods for science, go on hike... the outdoors can go a long way toward freeing the mind and helping you and your student find a new angle of approach to various subjects.

Don't forget field trips - You would be surprised how many new homeschooling parents I talk to who forget this tried and true part of learning. Sure, you won't be on a school bus, but going on an excursion- whether to a museum for art history, an arboretum for biology or the local philharmonic for music - will give both you and your homeschool students the opportunity to gain a fresh perspective and re-focus on your usual schedule.

Create time and space for yourself in the day – Even if it's just 10 minutes, setting aside a time of day (maybe early in the morning before things are underway or at the end of the evening) for you to have some time for yourself can go a long way towards keeping you focused on your homeschooling tasks at hand. So much of our days are structured around our children – don't forget yourself and your needs once in a while!

Remind yourself of why you chose this path
– You had a complex, constructive reason for undertaking your homeschooling initiative in the first place. Keep it ever-present in your mind- it will help you remain focused on your curriculum in a positive and affirmational way. Perhaps there's a quote or a piece of art or music that represents this core ideal for you- revisit it again and again to re-inspire you.

Incorporating all of these tips into your homeschool practice will help you staying involved in the process as a constructive and crucial element, ensuring that you can be the fantastic homeschooling teacher you always wanted to be!
Ms.Tirtza Koren Gal is the founder of SkillaDo and the EasyPhonics™ reading program. Her mission as a teacher is to empower children by teaching them to read and control texts, allowing them to build strong self-images as readers and achievers. You can read more about teaching children, children & learning, and children & reading at the SkillaDo blog.