Is It Ever Too Soon to Begin a Second Language Journey?
by Beth Butler

We all recognize the necessity of being bilingual or even trilingual in this very global economy.  Now let us explore when the best age is to begin the introduction of more than a native language.

Having command of more than one language provides sure entry into a higher paying job, the ticket to some pretty amazing opportunities and perhaps even the ability to forge friendships with millions of other people you may never have connected with should you remain monolingual.  Being able to speak in more than your native language most often makes you aware of other cultures, other people and other places.

Embracing this introduction of a new language should happen as soon as possible experts advise.  Inside of the womb is truly an optimal start time.  I am not pulling your leg!  That myth of babies being able to recognize sounds and voices from inside the womb once released into the outside world is not a myth.  Many of us have witnessed our own infants turning towards a familiar voice or reacting to a familiar cadence or rhythm he heard in utero.  

Did you know that a baby is able to learn all of the more than six thousand languages of our world up until the tender age of eleven months?  After that time, the brain begins acquire languages in a more categorized manner.  Learning languages, as we can all attest to, becomes increasingly difficult with the passing of each year.  I know there are a few exceptions for those people who have a gift for languages, but I am talking about the majority of my language challenged friends!

Easily enough the answer to the title of this article is a simple NO.  It is never too soon to begin a second language journey for a special someone in your life.  While your infant is sleeping play music that has the new, target language playing in the songs.  Interchange the music to include various languages during the very early months.  This will allow your baby to keep an open mind to multiple languages, thus creating neural pathway connections in the language acquisition area of the brain.

Many years ago two well known publications, Time and Newsweek Magazines, ran feature articles about the window of opportunity for learning a new language.  They referenced often that between birth and age ten to twelve is the period in which a person should be given the tools to learn multiple languages.  Yes, I said multiple!  A study out of Texas reported a few years back that a child up to the age of five can successfully learn up to five languages and not be confused.  They will code switch which means the child will switch from one language to another based on their environment.

Have you had the opportunity to experience a young child soaking up knowledge?  It is truly remarkable how like a sponge their minds are.  These little toddlers and preschoolers demonstrate time and again that they are able to listen, learn and retain things with unmatched success.  Could it be that their mind is simply free from all of the stuff our adult daily lives throw our way?  I am convinced that is the reason they are so quickly able to remember new things.

It is never too soon to begin to prepare your young child for a very global economy and society.  All around us we feel the diversity of our communities, and it is time we take charge of molding the future of our children from birth and beyond.  No longer should we bank on the fact that our school system will educate our child on how to best face this ever shrinking world.  It is our responsibility as the adults raising children to give them the gift of a second language right away.

Wife, Mother, Teacher, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Creator of award-winning Spanish/English bilingual educational resources for children for use as early as birth. 

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