Ten Reasons Why You Should Give Junior the Gift of Learning a New Language
by Beth Butler
The sooner you begin introducing a second language into the lives of your children, the sooner these children begin to acquire a lifetime of language skills. Did you know that the most recent research suggests that the ability to learn a second language is highest between birth and age five?
Allow us to explore, during these hectic days of shopping for Christmas and Hanukkah gifts, what you should be gifting to your special little someone. While the entire nation is in a tizzy over what is to become of our economic future, you need to be concerned about what is in store for the future of your child.
We live in an ever shrinking world, and we realize that all of us need to speak more than just English here in the United States. What is it that other nations have seen for decades about teaching their young children two and sometimes three and four languages?
Listed below are the top ten reasons why you need to begin second language learning with that young child in your life. And when I say young, I mean starting before the age of five! That is what experts suggest these days with all of the latest studies out.
The research is in. The experts agree. The earlier the better when it comes to introducing a second language to the young children of our world. Give your child the gift of learning not just English but another language, or two, during the first five and very formative years of his life.
Beth Butler is the founder of the Boca Beth Program – a fun and easy way to introduce Spanish to children through music and movement. No second language experience is required. Sample the Boca Beth bilingual music and movies for free at http://www.bocabeth.com Call toll free 1.877.825.2622
by Beth Butler
The sooner you begin introducing a second language into the lives of your children, the sooner these children begin to acquire a lifetime of language skills. Did you know that the most recent research suggests that the ability to learn a second language is highest between birth and age five?
Allow us to explore, during these hectic days of shopping for Christmas and Hanukkah gifts, what you should be gifting to your special little someone. While the entire nation is in a tizzy over what is to become of our economic future, you need to be concerned about what is in store for the future of your child.
We live in an ever shrinking world, and we realize that all of us need to speak more than just English here in the United States. What is it that other nations have seen for decades about teaching their young children two and sometimes three and four languages?
Listed below are the top ten reasons why you need to begin second language learning with that young child in your life. And when I say young, I mean starting before the age of five! That is what experts suggest these days with all of the latest studies out.
- Children who learn two languages early in life read sooner. Yes! Advanced literacy skills are proven benefits of early second language learning.
- Children learning two languages or more have been reported to score twice as high on language tests than their monolingual peers.
- The SAT College Entrance Exam Board reported this year, in 2008, how students having had at least four years of second language studies out perform those students who did not on the SAT.
- Bilingual children score higher on the math and verbal sections of standardized tests across the board. Most of us live in states that have their own standardized tests in elementary school all the way through middle school and on into high school. Would you not love to help your little guy score better on these mandated tests simply by introducing a second language to him in the early years?
- Children who learn a second language early in life will most often speak the new language with native pronunciation. You yourself have a problem rolling that r in the Spanish language, correct? Begin listening to bilingual music CDs today and your little darling daughter will sound like a native Latina before elementary school!
- The sooner you begin the second language learning, the more apt the young child is to learn it faster and retain it better. Time Magazine and Newsweek Magazine ran feature articles on the window of opportunity for learning a second language is between birth and the age of ten or twelve. Make the most of these years by having fun learning a new language right along with your child.
- Children who are introduced to new languages begin to appreciate other cultures and gain a respect for those around them no matter the color of their skin or the sound of their voice.
- Introducing a second language to young children boosts their brain power. Yes! It is that simple. Make smarter children, and increase their cognitive development simply by listening to a show in a new language or a CD sung in both the native and new language or by reading a book that is presented in both English and the target language.
- Children love learning a new language and experience increased self-confidence as their language acquisition continues. Communicating in more than one language is a sure way to boost the confidence and self esteem of anyone, particularly your child.
- The gift of a second language will open doors for your child. Colleges today require second language instruction and place a high value on more than just the minimum requirements. This value placed on world languages continues well on into the work place, the arts, and living in this global economy.
The research is in. The experts agree. The earlier the better when it comes to introducing a second language to the young children of our world. Give your child the gift of learning not just English but another language, or two, during the first five and very formative years of his life.
Beth Butler is the founder of the Boca Beth Program – a fun and easy way to introduce Spanish to children through music and movement. No second language experience is required. Sample the Boca Beth bilingual music and movies for free at http://www.bocabeth.com Call toll free 1.877.825.2622