Get the Facts
Did you know the term dyslexia and reading disability are synonymous?  They refer to the same struggles.  Furthermore, did you know that dyslexia has no correlation to IQ?  In fact, many people with dyslexia are extremely bright and even gifted in certain areas. 

Get the facts! 

Dyslexia is the most common learning disability, yet it is the most misunderstood and underserved.  Learn how to drive your child’s instruction with the latest research and help them achieve the best results.  The attached resources are the most often requested resources on my website.  If you have a struggling reader or speller at home, these guides may shed some light on questions that you have.

Characteristics of Dyslexia.pdf
Dyslexia Defined Guide.pdf
Ten Tips on Dyslexia Testing.pdf
Kelly Steinke, M.A. Ed., NBCT is the founder of READ Learning Educational Services, LLC.  Kelly taught special education, primarily to students with learning disabilities, for over 15 years in the Midwest, East Coast, and Pacific Northwest. During this time she became a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT) in Exceptional Needs, earned a Master of Arts Degree in Education (Administration and Leadership), and founded her company, READ Learning Educational Services, LLC.  For the past six years, Kelly has served the community as a dyslexia specialist.  Kelly is the also the creator of Silver Moon Spelling Rules™ instructional materials. 

Phone: 262-226-9284
